Broadcasting During the 1992 Civil Unrest

The interview portion in this episode is in Korean.

This week marks 34 years since Los Angeles’s 1992 Civil Unrest. An event in Los Angeles history that put the light on the city’s tensions. In 2020, KSP interviewed community members on their experience on April 29th of 1992. To learn more about the 1992 Civil Unrest and community stories, head over to

Today we have a special interview in Korean by our intern Jonah Lee. Jonah interviews his aunt Amy Lee, a radio host  who was live bradcasting the civil unrest, informing the Los Angeles Korean community as events unraveled.

We begin with a short roundtable with our interns on how they first heard about the civil unrest. It is then followed by our interview with Amy in Korean. We hope you enjoy.

Episode produced by Jonah Lee and Tony Morales

Guest: Amy Lee

Interns: Janice

Yun, Jane Lee and Jonah Lee

Program Associate: Dilan Askew

Program Director: Katherine Kim


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