Que Permisos Necesito Para Ser Vendedor Ambulante? Con Vanessa Sarmiento (Spanish)
Food Vendors are an undeniable part of Los Angeles history and culture. As part of our food cohort last year, we highlighted the experiences of Koreatown street vendors at the Salvadoran Corridor. Next week we will share a couple of those interviews by our KSP students.
Until then, we would like to share our Spanish conversation with KYCC’s Small Business Lead, Vanessa Sarmiento. Vanessa tells us the support KYCC provides street vendors, and breaks down the process in obtaining permits. Find more information on KYCC's Small Business Program at this page:
To schedule a free business counseling session, please email smallbusiness@kyccla.org or contact:
Martin Kim for assistance in English/Korean (한국어) at (213) 365-7400 Ext. 5612
Andy Kim for assistance in Korean (한국어) at (213) 365-7400 Ext. 5103
Vanessa Sarmiento for assistance in Spanish at (213) 365-7400 Ext. 5108
Episode produced by Tony Morales
Guest: Vanessa Sarmiento
Interns: Janice Yun
Cover Design: Cira Mejia
Program Associate: Dilan Askew
Program Director: Katherine Kim