KORYO 2023-2024

Koreatown Organizing to Reduce Youth Opioids [Use]

KORYO (Koreatown Organizing to Reduce Youth Opioids [Use]) aims to increase and expand KYCC’s capacity to provide youth ages 12-24 with Opioid Use Disorder and Stimulant Use Disorder services in the Koreatown community by conducting needs assessment, enhancing infrastructure and networks, and improving pathways to treatment services. KORYO uses youth-guided, culturally-relevant, data and outcome–based strategies to strengthen network capacity.

KORYO 2023-2024 Youth Participants

KORYO 2023-2024 Elder Participants

“…through recovery, there's no limit to what can be accomplished. It’s my experiences that made me stronger and who I am today — someone who knows how to value life, someone who knows how to be grateful for what I do have.”

— Anna Lee, KORYO 2023-2024 Elder Participant

KSP 2023-24 Highlights

  • KSP Podcast

    The KSP Poscast is sharing stories, histories, interviews, and discussions in the different languages that make our city. Find interviews with Koreatown residents, business owners, and folks who have their finger on the pulse of what makes K-Town so special. Check it out where ever you listen to podcasts!

  • Interview with Vicky "Tesorito"

    Listen to our podcast and read our interview with Vicky “Tesorito,” a trans woman from El Salvador, who immigrated to Koreatown when she was 15 years old. Long time KSP participant, Kimberly Espinosa, interviewed Vicky “Tesorito.” Come along with us as she shares with us how she has built community at the Guatemalan Restaurant Paseo Chapin, found opportunity, difficulties and love in Koreatown.