KSP 2024-2025
The Traditional Healing Arts In Koreatown
In 2024-2025, KSP will explore the traditional healing arts in our Koreatown community. We are interested in learning from the diversity of healing practices and modalities from our largely Latine and API community, like acupuncturists, herbalists, shamans, botanicas, curanderas, and kabarajis. KSP will interview, gather and archive oral history narratives about the traditional healing arts from our primarily limited-income, immigrant community, where the majority of countries of origin (Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, Korea, Bangladesh and Mongolia) have strong cultural roots in these modalities. Many residents of our community understand or practice these cultural traditions, rituals and methods, but these voices are rarely explored, documented and archived. We will invite traditional healing artists to lead workshops and demonstrations in their areas of expertise and are excited to learn from and with our Koreatown community.
KSP 2024-2025 Youth Participants
KSP 2024-2025 Elder Participants