Let’s Combat Loneliness and Social Isolation!

Today’s Global Intergenerational Week #GIW24 theme is focused on combatting loneliness and social isolation through intergenerational connections! In honor of today’s theme, KSP wants to highlight KSP elder participant Ms. Cathy! Ms. Cathy has led multiple foodmaking workshops — teaching us how to make traditional Korean food like kimchijeon and miyeokguk.She has been a narrator for our oral history interviews, and continues to stay connected to KSP activities and youth participants!

Learn more: https://www.gu.org/projects/giw/ #GIW24 #kyccla #koreatownstorytellingprogram #intergenerational #oralhistory #KSP #ktown  #eisnerfound #snapfoundation #LACountyArts #Next50 #HondaFoundation #ArtsCA #DHCS_CA #NEAarts


EU Day of Solidarity between Generations


Let’s Build Intergenerational Partnerships!