Katherine Kim Katherine Kim

4.29 Latinx Roundtable

In partnership with the Koreatown Storytelling Program, @Emerson_la students created a short video project in discussion with Latinx participants who lived in Koreatown during the 1992 Civil Unrest.

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Photoshoot at St. James Manor!

Last Friday, Koreatown Storytelling Program and our partner @lasfotosproject visited St. James Manor in Koreatown for a portrait session with our community elders. Our incredibly talented KSP intern Evan Kim played the Bach Cello Suites for the residents in their garden courtyard as they waited. Super special to hear the elders praise and thank Evan for gifting them with a live performance—after so many months of not being able to go out to musical venues.

Loving our partnership with Las Fotos—they have been training KSP students in portraiture, photojournalism and photo essays for the past year. Special shoutout to Maria Romero, Helen Alonzo Hurtado, Sarah Jho and Samantha Dar for making this sweet event so meaningful.

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Hanchic at St. James Manor

@hanchic.la gathered friends @yupdduk_la and @eggtuck to deliver 82 meals for our #KoreanAmerican elders at St. James Manor!! #KoreatownStorytelling is soooo touched by the hard work, kindness and generosity of these guys.

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KSP with Seniors Fight Back!

Our Koreatown Storytelling Program (KSP) attended a senior self-defense seminar hosted by @seniorsfightback at the Angelus Plaza on August 5, 2021.

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Sung L.

What is a moment in your life that you’re most proud of?

"I’m most proud of knowing and meeting God. I feel like I am so fortunate to be a part of God’s family. I am walking the steps of my life with God and although at times, it may be difficult, I always remember that I can do everything in Christ.”

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Hannah Kim Katherine Kim Hannah Kim Katherine Kim

My Poem

“꽃 향기가 베어있는 바람이 철문으로 솔솔 들어오는 시원함이 너무 좋아…이데로 시간이 딱 멈춰 있었으면 참 좋겠다.”

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