Koreatown Dreaming
Koreatown Dreaming is a photobook documenting the stories of 40 Korean-American small businesses and establishments in Koreatown, Los Angeles.
Koreatown Storytelling Program on NBCLA!
Once again, the amazing @mama_losangeles revived a beloved #KTown institution, bringing back @beverlysoontofu_la for ONE DAY ONLY.
Cailey’s Quarantine Journal Entry
I feel like I’m floating. Nothing has consequences or structure, and I guess that’s good sometimes. I don’t really know.
Mom went back to work today, which sucks. It was nice to have her home for a little while. I never get to see her otherwise. So that’s one good thing that’s happened since the lockdown.
First Koreatown Storytelling Program Publication!
They’re here! Our very first Koreatown Storytelling Program publication is hot off the presses!
Koreatown Storytelling Program Culmination
Koreatown Storytelling Program is the proud recipient of a $50,000 Project Innovation 2021 grant from NBC4 and Telemundo 52!
Beverly Soon Tofu Returns!
Once again, the amazing @mama_losangeles revived a beloved #KTown institution, bringing back @beverlysoontofu_la for ONE DAY ONLY.
Koreatown Storytelling Program Receives Grant from NBC4 and Telemundo 52!
Koreatown Storytelling Program is the proud recipient of a $50,000 Project Innovation 2021 grant from NBC4 and Telemundo 52!
KSP Art Workshop with Barrio Mobile Art Studio
KYCC is a proud recipient of the Humanities for All Quick Grant from California Humanities for KYCC’s intergenerational Koreatown Storytelling Program (KSP).
KSP Receives CalHum Grant
KYCC is a proud recipient of the Humanities for All Quick Grant from California Humanities for KYCC’s intergenerational Koreatown Storytelling Program (KSP).
George Takei at LA Public Library
Koreatown Storytelling Program is partnering with @lapubliclibrary and the @jamuseum to discuss George Takei’s incredible graphic novel THEY CALL US ENEMY.
BCD at St. James Manor
Once again, the amazing @mama_losangeles revived a beloved #KTown institution, bringing back @beverlysoontofu_la for ONE DAY ONLY.
Korean American Day
KYCC’s #koreatownstorytelling program and @bcdtofuhouse are partnering for the month of January to bring weekly hot #soondubu meals to our #koreatown elders at St. James Manor. So touched by the generosity and community spirit of #OGBCD on #KoreanAmericanDay.
Abigail's Quarantine Vlog: Koreatown Storytelling Program 2020
Für Elise, PowerPuff Girls, Coffeeshops and Driving Lessons
Chaerin’s Day in Quarantine
“Koreatown is still changing…however, because of this virus, the character of our community might disappear.”