Celebrate Global Intergenerational Week with KSP!

It’s Global Intergenerational Week! This week we’re joining organizations across the world in celebrating the power of connecting younger and older people. At Koreatown Storytelling Program, we’re proud of the innovative and creative ways in which we bring together older and younger people for mutual, lasting benefits. It’s vital for communities to have welcoming events, programs and spaces for all ages to come together. Join us in celebrating Global Intergenerational Week all week long! https://www.gu.org/projects/giw/  

#GIW23 #globalintergenerationalweek #intergenerational #KSP #KoreatownLA #koreatownstorytellingprogram #kycc  #koreatownlosangeles #KYCCLA #ktown #LACIAG #CaliforniaArtsCouncil #Next50 #EisnerFoundation #NEA #LACountyArts&Culture #CalHumanities #Honda


KSP x KAS Elder Interviews!


Cogenerational Social Healing with The On Being Project and CoGenerate