Soondubu-making Workshop with Ms. Cathy!
Earlier this month, KSP welcomed back our friend Cathy, who led another foodmaking workshop for us. Cathy has taught us how to cook many traditional Korean recipes in the past, including miyeokguk (seaweed soup) and kimchijeon (kimchi pancakes). This time around, she taught us how to make soondubu, or Korean soft tofu soup!
KSP students, staff, friends, and community members grouped up into stations and followed along with Cathy’s instructions to make our own pots of soondubu. The process was actually much easier than many of us thought! We had a great time learning a new recipe, making new friends, and sharing comfort food with each other.
Special thanks to Cathy for leading a warm, inviting time of making and sharing food with our community. Check out Cathy’s Soondubu recipe below!