Thanks for coming to … “Coming to You” Screening!
Thank you for joining Koreatown Storytelling Program,, San Gabriel Valley PFLAG and the UCLA community @uclagenderstudies at Navel for last weekend’s @Navel.LA screening of the South Korean documentary Coming To You! It was SO special to meet the director, Byun Gyuri @gyuri_byun, the stars of the documentary, Vivian and Nabi, and be in such a warm and welcoming space. After the powerful screening, KSP participant Chloe Kim Manilay shared the stage with the stars and SGV PFLAG activist Sung Tse in a panel discussion of the film and their experiences with some time for a Q&A!
If you or anyone you know wants to get involved with the next cohort of KSP where we will be exploring the experiences and stories of LQBTQIA+ folks and their families in Koreatown, please reach out at #ComingToYou #KoreanDocumentary #LoveIsLove #KSP #KoreatownLA #koreatownstorytellingprogram #kycc #koreatownlosangeles #KYCCLA #ktown #LACIAG #CaliforniaArtsCouncil #Next50 #EisnerFoundation #NEA #LACountyArts&Culture #CalHumanities #Honda