An Interview with Lori Song!
In partnership with Korean American Story, Koreatown Storytelling Program interviewed Lori Song about her personal experiences as Asian American transgender woman as a part of our cohort on the queer voices of, perspectives on, and experiences of Koreatown.
LGBTQ+ Elders Workshop
On Nov. 28, KSP held our 11th workshop of the semester with one of our KYCC colleagues Nicholas Creason! We discussed the social, health, and financial inequities and isolation in the LGBTQIA+ elder community and the importance of intergenerational connection.
Religion and Evangelism Workshop with Professor Judy Han
KSP held our 10th workshop of the semester on Saturday Nov. 18, and focused on the topic of religion and evangelism with Professor Judy Han of the UCLA Department of Gender Studies.
Intersectionality & Migration Workshop with CARECEN
On Tuesday Nov. 14, KSP was joined by Olimpia Blanco of CARECEN, who led a workshop on intersectionality and migration. CARECEN, or Central American Resource Center of Los Angeles, works to politically empower and protect the human and civil rights of Central Americans and immigrants in the Los Angeles community.
KSP at PastForward Conference 2023!
On Nov. 8, KSP Director Katherine Kim co-presented a workshop titled “Every Place Has A Story,” at the 2023 PastForward Conference.
KSP Volume II: The Garment Industry. Books Available Now!
Koreatown Storytelling Program is so excited to finally share KSP Volume II: The Garment Industry. Following the release of our first volume, which documented Koreatown stories during the COVID-19 pandemic, this second book centers around the diverse voices from Los Angeles’s Garment Industry.
Terminology and Trans 101 Workshop with Sydney Rogers
On Saturday Oct. 28, KSP welcomed Multi-Disciplined Drag Artist, Activist, and Cultural Competency Consultant, Sydney Rogers, as she led a workshop on LGBTQIA+ terminology and Trans 101.
LGBTQPIA+ Workshop with Indigenous Pride LA!
On Oct. 24 KSP was joined by Indigenous Pride LA for our sixth workshop of the semester! Indigenous Pride LA celebrates Two Spirit, Indigiqueer, and Indigenous LGBTQPAI+ culture, identities, and heritage.
Queer Storytelling and Poetry Workshop with Katherine Bahena-Benitez
What is the origin of your name? You have 2 hrs to live, what would you do in those two hours?
These are some of the writing prompts KSP students and community members answered last Tuesday, Oct. 17, during our queer storytelling and poetry workshop led by Katherine Bahena-Benitez.
Happy National Coming Out Day!
Happy National Coming Out Day from the Koreatown Storytelling Program! Join us in documenting queer stories and help us create safe spaces in K-Town!
Let’s #TalkAboutAgeism
Join KSP on #AgeismAwarenessDay on Oct. 7 to bring attention to the issue of ageism in our society. Let’s #TalkAboutAgeism!
Annual GYOPO Chuseok (추석) Benefit!
GYOPO’s 5th annual Chuseok benefit took place on Sep. 30 at Helen J Gallery. GYOPO is an LA-based non-profit organization run by Korean diasporic artists.
KSP Awarded the Eisner Foundation Grant!
Koreatown Storytelling Program is honored to have been awarded a two-year grant from The Eisner Foundation.
Indigenous Botanical Dyeing Workshop!
On Sep. 16, KSP kicked off our 2023-2034 cohort with an indigenous botanical dyeing workshop at Harold A. Henry Park.
Meet our LA County Arts & Culture Intern!
Meet @lacountyarts and Koreatown Storytelling Program Intern Monica Negrete!
KSP Recognized by Generations United for Cultural Responsiveness
Koreatown Storytelling Program was recently highlighted in Generations United’s report that “highlights the intentional and creative ways that organizations are combatting systemic racism by prioritizing the voices and lived experiences of diverse staff and participants in their practices.”
Korean Liberation Festival with KSP!
Koreatown Storytelling Program joined Maum Market and Live.Love.Create for their 2-day festival celebrating the 78th anniversary of Korean Liberation Day!
KSP Mothers Featured in Mothers of Koreatown Exhibit
On Aug. 1, student interns at the K.W. Lee Center for Leadership organized Mothers of Koreatown, an art exhibit showcasing and celebrating motherhood in LA Koreatown.